Thursday, July 10, 2008

5 months....and counting!

So, 5 months ago today,
(thanks for the reminder Megan)
I smoked my last cigarette of what will hopefully be for the rest of my life! :)
I can semi-safely say that I don't think I will ever smoke again! Although I miss them dearly, it is such a GREAT feeling to say that I am now part of the "non-smoking" world!
Goodbye to these days! :)

First and foremost, I like the feeling of saying "Ew, smoking is digusting" to my 8-year old and my almost-3-year old and not feel like a hypocrite.

I love that my loving Husband doesn't smoke anymore either....

I love that I have a "partner in crime" for this journey....Megan quit smoking over a YEAR ago and has been a HUGE inspiration to me!

I love that I don't have to spray extra perfume on me to cover the smoke smell and the fact that my perfume lasts MUCH longer these days! I've noticed a change in my complextion, my attitude, and my overall appearance!

It's a fantastic, liberating, exciting and amazing thing to accomplish! I support anyone who chooses to become a non-smoker!


the Eggernest said...

Min- you know I love it- liberating it is, and thank you for the embarrassment of the pics of all of our dirty butts. ;) That is enough motivation to last me at least another year. oh, and VACA in 8 days!! OMG

MoMo's Creations said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm super proud of you! I can't imagine how hard it is to kick an addiction!
Much Love to You!