Friday, April 10, 2009

It's been 12 weeks........

So here we are, 12 weeks down on the diet and exercise regimen! :) I have now officially lost 25 lbs and approximately 30 inches from this body 'o mine!

Pictures? But of course! :)

The last 12 weeks have really gone by fast, now that I think about it. Now, don't think for a second that I didn't have cheat days or that I thought about giving up. I did.......I have cried, I have been almost down-right mean about not having certain foods.......however......the feelings that I have for myself now are absolutely fantastic! I feel confident, accomplished, proud, excited, happy and all together GREAT! :) The last 3 weeks have been difficult as I have not been able to run due to a slight knee injury, but the elliptical has become my BFF and it didn't stop me. I have completely changed my way of eating and will forever strive to be in the best shape I can be! :)
The 12-week session is over, but I am beginning a new 8-week session this week. My new goal is to lose 20 more lbs, tone and be "bikini-ready" by summer! :)
I really do appreciate all the kind words, the comments, the "go for it's", etc. from everyone around me! Encouragement is something that I need every day and everyone who has encouraged me over the last 12 weeks, I thank you from the bottom of my heart! Had it not been for the random "how's it going" or "hope you're doing well" or "stay with it, you're doing great"'s, I may have stopped 2 weeks into the program! Matt is an amazing trainer and my Husband is an amazing cheerleader! My family and friends have been behind me 100% (although they HAVE eaten cookies, chips and cake in front of me while I choked down protein shakes and all the chicken and turkey burger you can handle) heehee!
Ok, enough rambling...................I hope everyone enjoys Easter this weekend!
And thanks again to all! :)


Anonymous said...

Mindy, You look great!! You inspire me to keep trying! Keep up the good work!!

Happy Easter!

the Eggernest said...

time for an update!