Friday, April 18, 2008

Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!

Mr. Lyon George is the big 2-9 today!!!!!!!!

He's training for a fight coming on May 10th, so he's a skinny, lean 185 right now! :)

Happy Birthday darlin'!!!!!!!1 I ♥ you SO much!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Our trip to Mt. Pleasant!!!

It's finally nice outside!!!!!!! So, the first nice day, the Georges' took a trip to Mt. Pleasant! :):)

The venture up the mountain! Gunnar made it all the way up and down on his own!

Jory was LOVIN' it!

And Gunnar was a ham, as usual!

Lyon and Gunnar watched as Jory took the outer paths!

It was so fun! I hadn't been to the top in quite a few years!

Lyon is PETRIFIED of heights.....

so these pictures freaked him out a bit!

My boys are crazy! :) I ♥ them SO much!

Jory went on an adventure......

...and Gunnar and I watched!

My boys....checkin' out the pond!

(this is the part that scared me!)

And to complete our cream at Gypsy Joe's!!!!

It was great fun and so nice to get out of the house FINALLY!!!!!!!! :)

Friday, April 4, 2008

Some pictures fer y'all!!!!!!

I've been very busy watching children, taking care of clients wishes and the upkeep of our home! I'm still not smoking (53 days today) and have been diligently working out (Turbo Jam with Chalene Johnson) like a mad woman! Our boys are still growing like crazy!!!! Here they are at Frisch's being crazy silly and hilarious!

As far as the babysitting goes, I now have 6 children through the week and we try to do an activity for each holiday we have!

Valentine's Day was picture frames for thier Mothers!!

St. Patty's Day was shamrock cookies!!!!!

And Easter was cupcakes!!!!!!!!!

Lyon is layed off right now (which is nice to have him home with me!) and is in the process of finding a job closer to home to get away from a drive to Columbus every day. He's still training for fights and his next appearance will be on April 19th in Indiana. I'm a little bummed that I'll miss this one as I have a wedding to shoot that day! :) We go out and about as much as we can.....which is maybe once or twice a month!

And, a little update on my pregnant friends.....

Megan could go at anytime! We just had her shower/bbq/cookout and it was so much fun! I'm guessing Little Vinny will arrive on Tax Day....April 15th!

Sister is due on July 3rd and is popping out quite a bit! My NIECE will be here in a short 3 months and I'm so excited to spoil her rotten!!!!!!!

My girl, Debbie is expecting her 4th on July 23rd....I do NOT have a picture with her and I really do need to get on that! :) She is not finding out the sex of this one and the suspense is KILLING me!

And last but certainly not least is Michelle My Belle, carrier of TWINS!!!!!! She will be finding out on April 18th (husband's birthday) the sex of these two LOVELY babies she is carrying!!!!! Here she is at 15 weeks!!

So, there's my update for the time being! Hope everyone who reads my blog is having a great April so far! Spring is coming.....thank goodness!!!!!